Anger Management - anger is a valid emotion. Everyone gets angry from time to time, and it is OK to express these feelings in a respectful manner. Anger is a strong feeling of displeasure and a secondary emotion. It is often a reaction to stress, failure, or injustice. Anger can range from mild irritation to full-blown rage. It becomes an issue when you are getting angry a lot of the time, cannot seem to control your temper and it leads to regular aggression or violence. Anger has its risks perhaps more than any other emotion. It can alienate people from others and lead individuals to do things that they later regret people. People who have lasting, extreme anger may find it helpful to speak with a counselor. In our sessions you learn to manage your anger over several sessions.
We look at Biblical Principles to help you dismantle your anger. Helping you to acknowledge you have some anger issues, understanding what anger is, the impact is has on your health and learning what your anger triggers are, is the first step. You then learn how to slow down your anger, become aware of it and figure out how to cope with it. We work on making necessary changes by challenging thought patterns and taking accountability for your actions. While doing this we are addressing your challenges with anger and teaching the coping techniques so that you feel in control of your emotions. This therapy includes assignments given for you to work on the skills you have learned at home.